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Life is Preasant

My new shirt (from Chatuchak weekend market in Bangkok) says it all.  I have no idea if it is supposed to be "Life is pleasant" or "Life is a present" or just "Life is present" but it doesn't matter.  All are true enough.  
This is our final night in Bangkok after being here for a week.  Off to Chiang Mai tomorrow.  We've been out of the country for 2 months and out of the TESOL program for one month.  Seemed like as good a time to start the blog as any.

Christian and I went to see the movie Monsters tonight.  Took the sky train to The Emporium Mall.  While I was standing on the train, a woman started nudging her husband to get up and let me sit down.  I thanked her and said that we were off to a movie so I would be sitting soon enough.  We started chatting a bit, I asked where they're from.  "Iraq."  They asked me where we're from.  "America."  Uncomfortable pause...  But we kept talking.  I apologized for George Bush.  They were very gracious.  
Bangkok is a very interesting city.

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